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Easy to use AI

for small business owners.

Founded by a team of experts with a shared passion for AI, our mission is to empower businesses around the world by giving them easy access to the huge benefits of AI.
Alex is designed to be user-friendly, efficient, and easily integrated into existing systems, ensuring seamless deployment and minimal learning. With a focus on ease of use, we are dedicated to providing AI insights into your business.

“We're dedicated to making it easy for small and medium business owners to use AI for success”

Karim Elsahy
ceo & co-founder

Leadership Team

Karim Elsahy & Abeer Elsisi

Husband and wife team on their 4th startup. Abeer and Karim have started and lead several successful companies; the first of which, founded in his early twenties, grew with more than 250 people with offices globally. Karim is a Kauffman Fellow with a Masters in Architecture and Abeer was an electrical engineer. They've been married for almost 20 years.

Dr. Hazem Abdelazim

Founder / CTO
- Industrial / Applied Research
- Data Science
- Cognitive Computing
- Machine Learning

Youssef (Joe) Sobhy

Youssef is a Back-End Software Engineer whose primary area of expertise is Ruby on Rails. He is a hard-core SQL fanatic. A life-long learner with a curious mind, Youssef is always on the look out for different challenges, and loves getting his hands on new technologies.

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